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The Internet and Cats

Most combinations of these two things are generally comedy gold in my world, as evidenced by many past posts. The most recent evidence is my frequent and sustained laughter at many images of cats juxtaposed with hilarious captions. (Be warned, some of the captions are of an adult nature.)

Internet phenomena like this fascinate me. Is there a PhD in Internet weirdness? If so, sign me up.

Thanksgiving was good fun. We flew out of LA on Wednesday morning (avoiding the accident and ensuing horrific traffic on the 405) to Georgia. Thursday was spent chilling on Tybee Island with Samantha's uncle Will and his family, having a non-traditional and delicious seafood meal. Friday featured the standard turkey and fixin's courtesy of Samantha's dad. Mix in seeing some family friends and other good restaurant choices (Waffle House, what?) adds up to a delicious weekend and a very successful visit.

We are now definitely into the holiday season. Samantha and I were worried that it would be difficult getting into the holiday mood, what with the being far away from home and the lack of snow and all. So we've pulled out the Mannheim Steamroller and Christmas Fest CDs early, decorated the apartment with what little Christmas stuff we have and went Christmas shopping. I think it worked. That, and the multiple singing gigs have about done it. And it is considerably cooler in the evenings. Enough to wear a scarf, sometimes.

In other news:
* I need to post my last two AFI reviews and a short bit about our upcoming belated honeymoon. Help me remember this.
* Netflixed recently: Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars (pretty fun -- about what I expected after hearing about it from Samantha, who has been a fan since childhood), Auntie Mame (long and fantastic, interesting societal commentary that really holds up well) and Gilmore Girls, Season 1, Disc 1 (addicted already-- it's a good thing I don't actually have television).
* I've found a strange and wonderful webcomic called Dresden Codak. I can't quite put a finger on why I enjoy it so much. I'm actually thinking of fiscally contributing, something that I have never done to any of the webcomics I read.
* Justin Morneau, first baseman for the Minnesota Twins, won the American League Most Valuable Player award -- arguably the greatest single-season achievement a baseball player can attain. Just the capper on what turned out to be a very exciting and memorable season for my hometown team.
* I was required to purchase a more advanced form of formal attire for the Angeles Chorale: tails. They are fun, I recommend them. I now truly feel like a penguin when I put on my concert duds.

Tuesday is the funniest day of the week. Have I posted about that? Okay, another upcoming post! Anyway, time to go to more rehearsal.


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Comments (3)

I remember being in Vegas over Christmas... even though people strung up lights on their cacti, it wasn't quite the same. As a kid, I never did understand LA Christmases on TV and movies - how do you do it without any snow?

Oh, and my apologies, but TAG!


my brother is addicted to gilmore girls.


Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Still more proof of what a terrible influence I am? ;)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 5, 2006 5:05 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Call to Action!.

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