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Call to Action!

For those of you who are unaware, I'm kind of a webcomic nerd. One of the many I read regularly is Diesel Sweeties (found at dieselsweeties.com), written by one R Stevens. It's a distinctive comic, drawn in an unusual style (in low resolution "pixelated" art) and very, very funny. And, wonder of wonders, this particular webcomic is making the rare transition from Internet publication to print syndication. As far as I know, there are very few comics that have done this. It has the potential to be groundbreaking for webcomics in general.

But R needs your help. Papers will not automatically start printing his comic unless someone tells them to. So, if you are a newspaper reader and would enjoy seeing a hilarious, intelligent and saucy comic in your daily paper, read on! If you look at his news page today, he has information on how to contact your local paper and request his comic. He even has a bribe.

I am composing my letter after I finish this post. If you are like me and find that your Sunday comics don't deserve the name "funnies" anymore, here's your chance to make a difference.


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