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Kitten Vs. New Video Card

I can't tell you how many times I've had trouble making this decision. Thank goodness this Dan fellow can help me out.

Speaking of cats, I'm planning a feature-length post about my cats for sometime in the near future for those of you who have never had the joy of meeting them.

In other news:

  • Has baseball started yet? No? Shoot.
  • My sister is taking Human Biology ("intended for non-majors") and just asked me if I knew which cell organelle does protein synthesis. *brain cramps* It's been too long...
  • Woot, opera tonight. We're also trying another fancy-dancy restaurant called Truffles.
  • We'll be looking at a few possible sites for our party in June on Saturday. Sigh. Wasn't the idea behind eloping that we didn't have to plan anything?
  • I learned last night that Samantha likes chili dogs. As if I needed more proof that I married the right woman.
  • Quote of the Week (Month, maybe?) 21, an exchange overhead at Jiffy Treat last night:
    Woman, looking at Adoptable Cats poster from the local Humane Society, to husband: "We should have gotten a cat instead of a bird."
    Man standing in front of her in line: "Getting the cat might solve both problems."

Comments (3)


doesn't RNA control protein synthesis?



We haven't learned about RNA, but yes, RIBOSOMES synthesize protein. now what about the endoplasmic reticulum?


RE: The June event. Why don't you do an old fashioned Lutheran pot luck and ask a few folks to provide jello salads or lutefisk? You must have some great park with a pavilion where you could maybe get the space for free. Then it's just a matter of providing plates, cups, and a few things to drink. A lot cheaper than a catered affair. And easier. And probably more fun. You never know what's going to show up on the picnic table. Remember what Nyman used to say? A pot luck always works out...it's God's way.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 10, 2006 10:50 AM.

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The next post in this blog is A Little Library Love.

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