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October 2006 Archives

October 6, 2006

Who Am I

My name is Andrew. Some people call me Wick. It's my middle name.

I was born on a stormy summer afternoon in Saint Paul, Minnesota. I grew up in an old farmhouse in northern rural Washington country, not far from Stillwater, along with a couple sisters and various cats. I generally did well in school, passably well in social settings and not so well in romantic endeavours. I've improved a little since then.

I've been interested in a lot of things throughout my life. Some of the more pervasive ones are computers, faith and religion, science, and music. I'm pretty good at those things too. I never really picked one to excel in beyond the other three, which sometimes bums me out. But things have worked out well so far, so no real complaints.

I attended St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota for four years. I met a lot of cool people there, many of whom I am still in good contact with. My interests were, for the most part, fostered well there. I also realized that I like to help people learn.

It took a little while to figure out exactly what that meant in terms of a career, but I think I've got it now. So I left Minnesota and got a master's degree in library science from Indiana University. I had a great time being an academic librarian for six years. In 2012, for a variety of reasons, I jumped to the private sector, so now I work for The Man. It's long been blog policy not to talk about work, though, so that's about all you're going to hear.

While I was in Indiana, I met, dated, eloped with and had a wedding-type party with a wonderful woman named Samantha. She's joined me on nearly all of the crazy journey since then. In 2010 a third traveler arrived. She's pretty great, too.

What else? I like to sing. In choirs, mostly, though I'm not picky. I like good food, road trips, fun music and movies, winter, quirky humor, baseball (in general, the Minnesota Twins in specific) and spending time with friends.

I took a long time off from this blog and am in the process of rediscovering if blogging is something that is worth my time. So who know what you'll find here? Though I do plan to continue reviewing movies on the AFI's Top 100 list.

I like keeping in touch with old friends and making new ones. If you are one or the other, drop me a line sometime.

October 12, 2006

A Watched Pot Never Boils

Samantha often reminds me of this whenever I'm standing around in the kitchen waiting for -- you guessed it -- the pot to boil. And, in turn, I always think of an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where Data is testing this hypothesis. For some reason, his facial expression when the pot does indeed boil is etched in my memory.

Thinking about ST:TNG makes me think of the good old days of early high school, when I would finish my homework, turn down the bed, pull the old black and white TV up next to my bed on top of a beat-up old green ottoman and watch the syndicated episode of Star Trek that played on Channel 23 every weeknight. I mostly despise television now, but I definitely have a soft spot for that show.

Ten years ago today I likely did that very act described above. I don't think my sixteen-year-old self ever would have guessed that I'd be in California working as a librarian at a university, having eloped with a Georgia native precisely one year previous.

Yes, today is our anniversary. One year ago we shocked many, delighted some and disappointed a few (hopefully they've forgiven us now). And if I had it to do over, I wouldn't change a thing. I still look back on that beautiful Indiana autumn day and vividly remember walking to the courthouse, hands clenched tight, scared and excited beyond belief. It was awesome (in a very Aaron Steele sense of the word).

Other news:
* Netflixed recently: Giant (AFI, post forthcoming) and Election, which was incredibly hilarious and highly recommended to anyone with slightly twisted senses of humor.
* Despite the fact that it is not for sale except at shows and there hasn't been a show within 500 miles recently, I have acquired Storyhill's new CD (thanks, Gibbons!). It is good -- not groundbreaking. But apparently it's being courted by a major label. This has spurred me to update and redesign my silly Storyhill site -- more news on this as events warrant.
* I have found an independent root beer that gives Sprecher a run for their money: Virgil's. Mmmmmm -- it is an outstanding beverage. I snuck a four-pack into the grocery cart.

Meh. I guess not much else is new. Apparently it's snowing in the Midwest? Wow -- living in California really isolates one from the changing seasons. I still haven't really pulled out a coat yet. Is it true Californians cease to exist below 50 degrees? I guess I'll find out. Peace, all.

About October 2006

This page contains all entries posted to This Side of Lost in October 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

September 2006 is the previous archive.

November 2006 is the next archive.

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