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By the Way

You may have noticed that I didn't talk much about work in my last post. That's because, as of today, I'm making it official This Side of Lost policy not to discuss work here.

One of the least exciting things about getting a "grown up job" is politics. If I am concerned about my career, I need to be concerned about the things I say about it, because people care. And people can easily find the things that I say here with a simple Google search. In fact, I already know that people at work read this blog.

So I'm just going to keep it simple by avoiding it altogether. Better safe than dooced. I have gone through the archives and removed any references to the job that are more specific than "academic librarian in southern California." I may end up starting a work-related blog that will be anonymous. If you are interested in that (should it ever be created -- no promises), drop me a note.

Comments (2)


For inspiration on the library blog:



Gasp! Has my blog been graced by the inimitable Jean Jacques? I tremble to think it is so...

Yes, I've seen the Dispatches before. Aaahh, librarian humor...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 5, 2006 11:26 PM.

The previous post in this blog was California Dreamin'.

The next post in this blog is I Hate Moving (Beware, Rant Within).

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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