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Walk Smash Walk

Is the name of this particular bit of True Internet Weirdness™. Thanks to Bill for the tip.

Our party was an unqualified success. Many, many thanks to all who came and made it a joyful and wonderful event. It's really a blessing to have friends and family who were willing to make a long trip to celebrate with us. You guys made all our hard work spent planning entirely worth it.

Also, the food was fantastic. If you are looking for a caterer in the Bloomington area, call Nick at The Cake and the Caterer. He is very friendly, flexible and easy to work with -- and the food was awesome. Unfortunately, we ordered a little too much (either that or not enough people showed up), so I've been having sesame peanut noodles for the past three days. But that's okay.

Also, if you took pictures, send copies along. Somehow we avoided bringing our cameras anywhere, so we're counting on you. Don't let us down.

Now that that's over, I have the following things to concentrate on:

  • Finding a place to live in Los Angeles.
  • Figuring out how to move us from here to Los Angeles
  • Attending three weddings in July.

So! On with wasting more time.

In other news:

  • I received my official job offer letter in the mail on Friday. Hooray! I considered adding something to "I accept the above offer of employment" in the same fashion that several people did to our RSVPs (e.g. "I accept with pleasure, bitches" "I accept with raucous enthusiasm" "I accept with total acceptance"), but thought better of it.
  • Inspired by the recently released third volume of Old Timey Radio Spectacular, we watched Flash Gordon, in all it's cheesy 80's glory. David was along for the ride, whether he was really interested or not. It was pretty fantastic.
  • I just learned earlier this week that Guster has a new album coming out next week! It's called Ganging Up on the Sun. Come on, guys, if there's one thing that ganging up on probably won't help you defeat it, it's the sun. Check out the video for their single One Man Wrecking Machine.
  • I am about 450 pages in to Atlas Shrugged (out of 1070). I'm thinking Brothers Karamazov next. Eh?

Looks like it's time for more sesame peanut noodles! Whee!

Comments (3)


Ya know, Guster will be in Indy at the end of July to promote the new album also...I'm trying to talk Erik into driving over there with me and attend...*will keep you posted in case you and Sam wanna make the hr journey to our 6 hr one haha* (I STILL haven't seen them live)

and on literary classics - I'll recommend Tale of Two Cities...sucks to slog through but the end makes it totally worth while...


For that matter, I do keep recommending you try Great Expectations again...I'll read A Tale of Two Cities while you're doing that, and then we can trade. :)

Flash Gordon is always interested in David . . .

David! Ahhhh!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 14, 2006 12:36 PM.

The previous post in this blog was With a Taste of a Poison Paradise....

The next post in this blog is Hey, Look, A Weekend.

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