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Hey, Look, A Weekend

But first, we interrupt your regularly scheduled blog post for this NEWS UPDATE:

Thanks to David for the tip and to Lore Sjöberg, who (like Neil Cicierega) just won't go away. And thank goodness for that.

Anyway. I am excited by the prospect of what will be the last normal weekend I will have in quite a while. We are planning on going to Indianapolis to dork around at the Children's Museum with some of Samantha's fencing friends. Next weekend, I am flying to LA to search for apartments. And the weekend after that begins our Whirlwind Wedding Tour '06. And then I'm moving, maybe? I don't know! Crazy.

In other news:

  • The Twins swept the Red Sox! Yeah! We were just nerdy enough to be at Yogi's for two of the three games. Very exciting to see our young hitters really start hitting.
  • File this in the Reversal of Fortune category: eight years ago, as a high school senior, I wanted to attend Yale University. Unfortunately, I was a huge slacker at the time and completely missed the admissions deadline, so they didn't even have a chance to reject me (which they surely would have). Fast forward to the present, where having applied for a science librarian position there in March, Yale called me back two days ago and invited me to New Haven for an interview. Now who's too late?
  • We have finalized plans for our belated honeymoon. More news on this soon. Rest assured -- it is awesome. You may, in fact, be jealous.

I may take a nap now. I may not. You'll never know. How does that make you feel?

Comments (2)

Dude, I'm all about stickin' it to Yale. Good for you.

Hey, speaking of Lore, I take it you knew about the Brunching Shuttlecocks?


OH EM GEE! go to yale, bizzle!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 16, 2006 10:03 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Walk Smash Walk.

The next post in this blog is Mentos + Diet Coke.

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