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With a Taste of a Poison Paradise...

Nickel Creek covers Toxic. OMG. Words fail me. Video, too. I had forgotten why they are possibly the best band playing today. I have been reminded.

They were in Bloomington last Tuesday, and sadly we just couldn't afford to go, financially or in terms of free time. I am doubly sorry now that I am aware they they might have played this.

But alas, we have more important things to attend to. Like my family and closest friends rolling into town tomorrow. We are so, so excited to show them the town we've lived in for the past two years and celebrate our marriage with them. This weekend is going to be great. So you'll excuse me if I'm AFB (Away From Blogosphere) for the next few days. In the meantime, just put that MP3 on repeat.

EDIT: I did a bad thing and linked directly to the MP3 instead of the blog post where I found this. And the site that it's from disallows that. Silly me. The link should take you to the site now, where you can hear the song.

Comments (1)

"I had forgotten why they are possibly the best band playing today. I have been reminded."

I dunno, Wick. For them to *cover* that song, they first had to *listen* to that song. I find that kind of disturbing, to say the least...


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