The Party That Is My Life
I'm back from Minnesota. My sister's grad party was a moderate success -- people came, food was eaten, money was given, etc. Thanks to the three of my friends who showed up. Nice to know you care. Other cool things about the short trip: My sister's car (can I have it when you go to college?), Hypnotoad, and the Asia Buffet in Beloit, WI.
And although I am glad to be back in the company of Samantha and my adopted hometown, foremost in my mind now is that I have two days to shove the rest of my and Samantha's worldly belongings into a 5x10x8 storage space in order to hit the road Thursday morning for Georgia and other places southerly. Thank goodness that my dad's ability to utilize every cubic inch of a small storage space seems to have been passed genetically on to me.
In other news, the antenna on my cell phone broke off last night. So you may have trouble reaching me by that route. I think I'm going to be making a trip to a Cingular store today.
Have I mentioned I hate moving? I hate moving. I am placed in the sad situation of having no milk for my cereal, and neither is it worth it to go buy some more. When else would this situation occur? Sad, I tell you -- sad. It goes without saying that my life will improve immeasurably upon August 18th or so.
So I suppose I should quit complaining and get to work. I'll try and post again before we leave town. Peace!