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That's about the best I can come up with right now. Today's been a strange day.

Many of you are probably aware that I could be conservatively called "a man of habit." As it pertains to the current topic, this means that I like to have a schedule. I don't really have a very good one right now. Though I now have three jobs (more on that in a moment), the schedules relating to all three are still up in the air. This lead to a day where I wasn't quite sure where I was needed and when I needed to be there. I haven't exactly done much of consequence either (except buy a bookcase).

Compound this with the images of flooded streets, looting, carnage, disaster, utter ruin from New Orleans I'm receiving from the media. Yes, I know, as Samantha said to me, Americans act like we're the first people that things like this happen to. But it hits a little closer to home to know that the destination for my next Spring Break trip is now lying under up to 20 feet of water and will not likely ever be the same city again. I'm just sitting here with a worried look on my face, not entirely sure what to do or say.

I feel kind of useless right now. My only (and completely lame) hope is that I'll feel better once I get into some sort of regular schedule. And I'm not sure why this is affecting me so.

Anyway. Hopefully a less depressing post soon.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 31, 2005 7:53 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Awesome Rankings, Year Two.

The next post in this blog is When It Rains, It Pours.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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