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Awesome Rankings, Year Two

I have been in Bloomington for approximately one full year now and things are awesome. Let me rank the following... aah, never mind. I think I'm starting to outgrow attempting to nostaglize the things I or those close to me have said in the past.

But things are awesome nonetheless. Samantha and I now have successfully coalesced our respective belongings into one location and they are currently intermingling to form a sort of Samanthandrew Thing Stew. Or something. The apartment itself is nice -- lots of big windows for kitties to perch in, a second bedroom that we're using as an office (we have an office! damn!) and a kitchen that is not huge, but easily double the floor space of Samantha's old kitchen. Most of the boxes have been emptied and we are in the process of acquiring some last pieces of furniture that we need (anyone have a dining room table they'd like to donate?).

I can't believe that there's only one week before school starts again. I'm putting in my last week at the Chemistry Library and then I'm sort of unemployed... sigh. I've got, like, 12 hours a week between my two jobs right now. I need to get cracking on this...

The rest of our Georgia trip finished well. Karaoke was indeed scary-oke, although Samantha is, as advertised, a wunderkind at it. Friday, we drove through the wond'rous land of South Carolina. We stopped in Columbia for a few hours to visit Bill and then landed in sunny Spartanburg, SC, and visited Steve "The Damn Man" VanDahm, webmaster extraordinare and all-around cool guy for a couple days. We took it easy -- Samantha read Nancy Drew books and I listened to my new Nickel Creek album. :)

We then limped our way back to Indiana (via a stopover in Frankfort, KY) and wreaked havoc on our new apartment. The wreaking continues... in fact, I should get back to that. Peace, dudes. And dudettes. Is dudette even okay to say anymore?

Comments (3)

Linguistics Professional:

Dudette is still acceptable, though the phrase "Duderina" has begun to replace it in high-society circles.


Andrew! So good to hear from you...I saw on the e-mail Kamoji sent out that you and your girlfriend and I are in the same cataloging class...sweet! Anyways, glad to hear things are going well and I'll see you around soon.

When you were on your way back to Indiana, did you get to see the giant cross north of Knoxville?



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