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Testing, Georgia-Style

So here's my post in order to test my weblog to see if it works on the new ISP Steve got. Can y'all hear me?

Notice the use of the southern dialect contraction. Chalk it up to hanging out with people from Georgia. 'Cause I'm in Georgia. I'm currently writing from Heather Anderson's apartment in Savannah, in between batches of muffins. Our journey has been successful so far:

Thursday: Drove 9 hours from Bloomington into the foothills of the Smoky Mountains in northern Georgia. Holed up at the abode of Pete Appel and DJ Martin, Samantha's fencing parents, for three days. Watched a lot of baseball and worked on a database for DJ's fencer armouring responsibilities. Was generally lazy and caught up on sleep.

Sunday: Brunched at the American Roadhouse in Atlanta with Roy Youngs, sabrist. Poked around Five Points neighborhood, imbibed rum and coke. Dinner at Albo's of Italy with Roy and more of Samantha's friends: April, Bob and Eric. Crash at Bob's for the night.

Monday: Samantha's birthday! :) Breakfast at Waffle House with Pete. My first Waffle House experience -- and it was a good one. Drove 3 hours to Statesboro, Samantha's hometown and location of Georgia Southern University. Visiting fencing practice and Ben at work briefly. Dinner at Hachi with Heather, Tim (Samantha's other brother) and Austin. Mmmm, sushi. Commenced Samantha's birthday party proper in the basement of Casa Humphrey. Good times were had until the early morning hours.

Tuesday and Wednesday: Poked around Statesboro and Savannah. Saw the GSU campus and some sights from Samantha's youth. Visited Kevin Barry's and saw Harry O'Donoghue, Irish folksinger. Played volleyball with friends. Had fabulous pizza at Vinnie VanGoGo's and visited some drinking establishments around Savannah.

Today: Tour Savannah during daylight and make it back to Statesboro in time for karaoke (aka scary-oke).

More later, prolly from South Carolina. Prolly isn't a word. Peace!

Comments (1)

Not only did I not ruin your weblog in the move, but I actually made it better by fixing some XHTML bugs that prevented it from validating properly. Yay!

<Steve goes to watch cartoons>


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 11, 2005 10:10 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Ch-ch-ch-changes.

The next post in this blog is The Awesomes.

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