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Finding Grumblecakes

The Internet is a bizarre and wonderful thing. As I was chatting with Samantha this morning, I did something I frequently do: quoted homestarrunner.com. As I did so, however, I couldn't remember precisely which cartoon on the site it came from. I thought to myself (in typical library science major fashion), "I wonder if there's some sort of index or abstract for the site." After thinking this thought, I said, "Naw. The Brothers Chaps are too lazy for that sort of thing." But I typed the word (grumblecakes) into Google to see what it would find anyway.

What it found was a Homestar Runner Wiki. (For those of you unfamiliar with wikis, they are web sites that allow any user to make additions to or to edit any page on the site. Check out the Wikipedia, for example.) Of course the Brothers Chaps wouldn't, but there's an awful lot of people out there who have far too much free time and love Homestar Runner.

It's just so strange to have a thought about something, and then be able to call up some extremely detailed implementation of your idea -- as if it were somehow created in this infinite detail just as you thought it.

Comments (1)


I still think this is an interesting thought. I guess no one else did. :P


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