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In Like a Lion

March is a crazy month. In Minnesota, it's usually still snowing for much of it. Here, it snows for the first day or two, and then gives us beautiful weekend weather. Samantha and I got out to toss a frisbee around on Friday (she's really good -- best girl I've ever played frisbee with), and it was in the 60's yesterday. And apparently now it's going to be cold again. Darn it all. And I left the house without a jacket today, because it felt warm. I'm losing my Minnesotan-bred instincts...

Well, it was a busy week, as I had guessed. But I actually got everything done and in on time -- which is not normally how busy weeks ended up in my undergrad life. Maybe I'm growing up? Or maybe I can just whip off assignments that look good much faster... And I even got a good start on this week's stuff. Dang. For those of you who wonder what it is that I do as a library science major, here's a sample. This is what I accomplished last week and got a start on for this week:

  • Collection development paper about the St. Olaf Science Library.
  • Built multiple forms and tables for an Access database.
  • Profiled my client for Info Retrieval.
  • Did multiple substructure searches and citation retrievals in the Chemical Abstracts databases.
  • Typed up a database narrative and sketched an entity relationship diagram.
  • Practiced my DIALOG searching skills by doing word and phrase searches, sorting and ranking results and comparing with web-based databases.

A lot of stuff, but it's worth it to get it done early, because I take off on Friday for Boston and all points east. Yes, it's Spring Break, and time for Andrew's 3rd Annual Traipse About the Country. (The first two were to Seattle/Portland in Feb 2003 and Toronto in March 2004.) This time, I will be accompanied by the peerless traveller and fellow road warrior Samantha Humphrey. *applause* More details on this soon...

In other news:

  • Finally made Samantha watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I love that movie... I should really own it. She enjoyed it, and we've had some interesting conversation about erasing memories.
  • Played wiffleball yesterday! Yeah! My team won, 11-8, with yours truly striking out Clark Wheeler looking with a wicked slider for the third out. A big shout-out to Andrew Estel for organizing. Also a big shout-out to Zack, the random kid at the park who played with us.
  • Also had a choir concert yesterday. Yes, you're right, I didn't warn anyone about this, but honestly, I never think they're going to be any good until we get to the dress rehearsal and I suddenly think, "Hey, maybe this won't suck." Well, I guess it didn't. Paul Betty and his girlfriend even came out.
  • Got my hair trimmed on Saturday. It doesn't look a whole lot different, but it needed to have the ends cleaned up (I guess? This is what Samantha tells me). It's getting really long. I'm hoping to get it long enough to pull it back without looking like a dork.
  • Saw a exhibition of print-making art on Friday. Am really only mentioning this because 1) it was an excellent Freegan event (free pizza!) and 2) Jen's roommate is a printmaker, yes?
  • I made some CDs purchases recently... most notable is Guster On Ice -- a live CD and DVD. It is tons of fun. Recommended for all, and heavily recommended for the Guster fan.

It's noon already, choir is cancelled and so is Samantha's class. Shaping up to be a wonderful Monday. Hope yours is the same -- peace!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 7, 2005 12:03 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Finding Grumblecakes.

The next post in this blog is #98 - Unforgiven.

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