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Blogging: So 2013

Welcome back to This Side of Lost.

I’ve been thinking about firing up the old blog again for a while. There are a number of factors that have been encouraging me to do this.

  • It’s been a long time -- almost four years -- since I was blogging anything close to regularly. I’m a different person now.
  • My life is in a very different place than it was when I stopped blogging. There are other reasons to do it now that I’m interested in exploring.
  • A backlash against Facebook, Twitter and other social media that seems to perform a simulacrum of maintaining relationships and sharing news while actually doing very little of the sort.
  • Perhaps absence makes the heart grow fonder?

Anyway. The start of a new year seems like a good time to do it. So, as a New Year’s resolution, I’m stepping out on the ledge again and declaring that I hope to post at least once a week. Think I can do it?

If I focus on just catching you up on the major life events since I left off, there’s plenty to write about. As a reminder (for me as much as for you), when I left off, we lived in Danbury, Samantha had just ended her job at Vassar and I was a little ways into my second year at my previous job. Our daughter hadn’t arrived yet. Also several cars and a pet ago. So, yeah, things have changed a bit. Here’s a not-exhaustive list of possible future posts:

We Moved to Middletown
Samantha's Job at the AAS
I Did Some More Singing
Our Little Girl Arrived
We Adjusted to Life with Three
We Were All Not in the House A Lot
The Little Girl Turned One
After Samantha Called It Quits
I Got a New Job in Minnesota
We Moved to Saint Paul
The Little Girl Turned Two

So there’s a twelve step program for reviewing the recent past. I’m sure I’ll intersperse that with other things that come up as well. And maybe AFI movie reviews? Yes, we’re still plugging our way through the list! But I probably won’t try to catch up on those.

So here’s to a new beginning. I’d love it if you read along. Talk again soon.

PS - There are some cobwebs to blow out of the corners of this old joint. I'll do that soon. Pardon the somewhat out-of-datedness you may see around here.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 1, 2013 4:56 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Blogging: So 2004.

The next post in this blog is Quit Driving Your Car to Work.

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