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Things I Will Miss About California

In no particular order:

  1. The convenience of the weather. Contrary to what most people think, I will not miss the weather itself. But I can't deny that it makes life very convenient here. Here's the entirety of the thought process involved in going outside: "Is it winter? If it is, grab a light coat and your umbrella. If it's not, you're fine."
  2. The burgers. They do 'em right around here. I can name half a dozen places within a ten minute drive from my apartment where you can get a great cheeseburger, from the internationally-famous to the lesser-known but still high quality local chains to the really, really local joints -- oh, so ghetto, but oh, so good.
  3. The Arclight. I'm never going to be pleased with a movie theater ever again, unless theaters in Danbury also have no ads, reserved seating online and Häagen-Dazs ice cream in concessions.
  4. The friends we've made here. But that is true about every place I've lived and left.

A surprisingly (or, perhaps, not surprisingly) short list.


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Rob Grace:

I'm back! I noticed your homage to the Arclight, and it reminded me of my other favorite thing about Stamford: the Avon Theatre (sic). If you're ever in The Ford, catch a movie there. Krysti and I would just show up, not knowing what was playing, and go. We were never disappointed.

The Avon has two screens, each of which is covered by a red velvet curtain before the film begins to roll. Instead of being bombarded with ads, you get to listen to classical music and take in the rococco paintings on the theatre (sic) walls as you wait. Then, you watch two or three previews of movies you really would like to see in a few months, and then the show! Sometimes it's a classic show; most of the time it's a new art house-type film. Whatever it is, it's always worth watching.

I'm not sure if they have Haagen-Dazs, but they do have excellent popcorn, with lots of genuine butter, plus optional nice fancy flavor salts.

Right next to the Avon is a lovely chocolatier called Schokolade, which you might also try if you're in the neighborhood. Okay, enough about Stamford for the moment.


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