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Departure / Arrival

Well, much of Us has now made the trip. The really important parts of Us (yours truly and Robert) at least. All the less important stuff (bed, clothes, furniture, spatulas, etc.) will be along soon, we hope, though I'm not getting too excited about it. Everything went pretty much according to plan in California: Robert was handed off to the great people at Continental Cargo (having used them twice now with hardly a problem I feel comfortable recommending them now) on Monday and arrived safely, the movers showed up and took away my things on Tuesday, I cleaned the place within an inch of its life on Wednesday and caught my own flight (on the overrated Virgin America) on Thursday. Jessica was a most excellent host for my last two evenings in town -- hopefully those leftover cleaning supplies and bottles of liquor are payment enough.

I've got a bit of time to relax before the new job starts, so I've been enjoying sleeping in and lounging around in the new, somewhat sparse place. It's a townhouse, complete with three levels -- small levels, but levels nonetheless. It has a two car garage and a washer/dryer! It's like a real home almost. Props to Samantha for finding a great one.

Danbury seems to be a big town/small city in the midst of changing demographics. Much of the core of the town is a mish-mash of old banks and churches and Mexican/Brazilian restaurants and businesses. Further out along winding roads (so winding! I've grown used to ramrod straight city streets crisscrossing the Valley) are the big box stores and chain restaurants. Doesn't seem to be a hive of high culture, at least not at first glance. But it will be interesting to explore nonetheless. I've already ventured out a couple times to find a sports bar to watch my Twins flail pathetically at the Yankees.

There is still much to learn: where to worship and sing, where to find good spanikopita, where to buy Soyrizo. I always enjoy that part of moving though. As for today, I made the trip to Samantha's workplace with her this morning, as we are headed out to see a silly movie this evening with some of her colleagues. And Friday is my first fencing trip in a while: off to see Samantha represent her fencing region in the Empire State Games. Traveling, lots of reading, staying with friends and in hotels -- it's almost like a vacation!


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