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Loose Summer Clothes

I think lazy summers is one of the main reasons I have always wanted to stick around in academia for as long as I can. Being a high school teacher was too much to make the summers off worth it, but academic librarianship provides the perfect balance. I don't get the summer off, but things definitely slow down. Add to this the end of the choral music season, and I've got a lazy week coming up. Woo hoo!

Of course, that laziness isn't going to last long. The big annual conference for my professional organization is coming up at the end of the month, and then I've got my cross-country move after that. Guess that means I should enjoy my downtime while it lasts.

It's been a while since my last newsy post, so let's try and catch up...

  • My mom's visit to LA was successful. We visited some mom-worthy spots (the Getty, the Huntington, the coast), she saw my library, she enjoyed the concert -- all went well. Thanks for coming out, Mom!
  • I managed to get out to Poughkeepsie one more time, thanks to the job search. The highlight of the visit: a trip to the Hyde Park drive in theater for a double showing of Indiana Jones and Iron Man! Tons of fun as we rolled Roz into the parking spot backwards and opened up the hatchback into the cool Hudson Valley evening. Awesome.
  • Speaking of the job search, it's over now. In case you missed that.
  • My choral season is also nearly over -- just one last Sunday service at the end of the month for my church gig. It's been a long and very busy year for me, so I'm not sad to see it end. New friends and fun memories, as always, are what I'll miss.
  • One of said new friends gave me a going away present: the first season of Battlestar Galactica on DVD. I just finished watching it last night, and it's pretty frakkin' awesome. Just put the next few discs on hold at one of the local libraries (using their brand spanking new catalog).
  • I have been less distracted by baseball of late. I think my 5-year honeymoon with the Minnesota Twins is over. They're not a very good team again this year -- offense is bad as usual, and the pitching has been much better. They're hovering around .500 for most of the season, which might actually cut it, given that the rest of the division is also worse than we expected. Who knows?
  • But, I am going to see the Twinkies soon. Thanks to the wonders of interleague play, the San Diego Padres are hosting a three game series with my hometown team next week, and I'll be in attendance for the Wednesday game, along with a friend from work. An excellent use of my personal holiday, if I do say so myself. Baseball road trip!
  • Then, not two days later, my good friend Mari arrives for the aforementioned conference. We're also hoping to do a few extracurricular activities... possibly including an LA Derby Dolls bout and some, uh, research for her cookbook.

What are you looking forward to doing this summer?


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