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I Has a Job

A job. I has it.

I've been offered and have accepted a position at a small, liberal arts college/university within a manageable (not ideal, but manageable) commute distance from Poughkeepsie. It's a great job -- one I would have taken even if not pressed into this job search by other circumstances. I start in August. So we'll start planning my move... well, now, I guess.

I am excited for the new work, stressed about the move and (above all) relieved that the job search is over and I can go live with my wife again. But I think it was all worth it. That I can say that now, before it's over, speaks to the truth of that.

Oh, and the obligatory lolcat.


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Comments (1)


Props on the job! It's gonna be nice to be, like, with your wife again.

Oh, and you spelled it wrong: it's "i haz it". Seriusly, u haz gots to maek smartnis if u iz gona be at a yoonevirsitee. U maeks teh lolcats cri.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 6, 2008 12:24 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Singing in LA #1: The Los Angeles Master Chorale.

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