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Toward a Normative Ethical Code of Facebookery: Part I

First in an occasional series.

It is posited:

  • That Facebook is rife with third party applications.
  • That these applications are mostly obnoxious and useless, but some may be interesting.
  • That many applications, both obnoxious and interesting, carry within them the seeds for their own transmission, in the form of interaction with friends that often require the friend to add said application to their profile.
  • That people's opinions about specific applications varies from person to person, so that one person's interesting application is another person's obnoxious application.
  • That Facebook has become an uncaring corporate monolith deaf to the pleas of its users.
It is therefore concluded:
  • That foisting the addition of an application on one's friend(s) merely so one can have another level of interaction with that/those friend(s) is ethically unsound.
  • That some friends may have already added applications of their own volition, in which case interacting with them with those applications is ethically sound.
  • That ethical Facebook users will not engage in any Facebook activity that requires addition of an application to a friend's profile that the friend(s) in question has/have not already added.
  • That ethical Facebook users are not perfect, and thus will occasionally erroneously engage in the unethical behavior previously described.
  • That Facebook will do nothing to help you prevent such behavior.
It is therefore resolved: that, before engaging in any interactive behavior using an application, ethical Facebook users must take careful precaution to investigate the targeted friend(s) for the appearance of the application in question.


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Comments (2)

So... you're not going to join my Oregon Trail wagon?


I second this motion. All in favor, say "Aye."


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 16, 2008 9:11 AM.

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The next post in this blog is The Scariest Alarm Clock Ever.

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