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The Scariest Alarm Clock Ever

I don't know about you, but I've been having trouble getting up on time lately. I'm not sure what it is -- probably some combination of dark winter mornings and not having my wife sleeping next to me -- but I bet the SnūzNLūz would fix it. This is an extremely powerful idea -- counteracting undesired behavior by appealing to our higher beliefs and convictions? Genius. Just set that sucker to Focus on the Family and I'd be out of bed in no time.

Honestly, though, I'm not sure I want this. First of all, I use the snooze button even when I'm getting up on time. It's bigger than the "alarm off" button and thus easier to aim at with my sleepy clumsy flailing arm. I would hate to be penalized for hitting it and then getting up 2 minutes later. Also, I fear that I would immediately turn the alarm off for fear of the consequences and then fall asleep for another two hours -- nice, but not a good outcome in the long term.

Poll time: what charity would you set this alarm clock to? Post your answer in the comments.

In choral news: January is the new December. I'm having the busiest choir month in a long time, thanks to two concerts two weeks apart. The Oxy Chorale show went very well -- I love Mozart and I think we pulled it off pretty well. This coming weekend is my premiere with the LA Philharmonic! Sort of. It's Britten's War Requiem, which I've never done before, conducted by some hot shot I've never heard of, and there are four shows! I'm pretty sure I've never sung the same concert four times outside of college choir tour. Should be fun.

I spent the holiday weekend watching the entirety of Heroes: Season 1. The show has been recommended to me on occasion, and it was a good pick. Being a comic book fan from way back, it was a lot of fun seeing superheroes be done in a fresh way (a nigh impossible task) with a compelling, multi-layered storyline. It's a cruel show, though -- the cliffhanger at the end of almost every episode had me going "What? No. You can't do that. Dammit, now I have to immediately watch the next one."

I also bought a new phone. Review forthcoming.

That is all for today. Oh, and Oscar nominations were announced. Go Juno!


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Comments (2)


What did you think of Lorin Maazel? I think he's kind of a doofus, but it's because he replaced Kurt Masur (awesome) at the New York Phil.

In other news, he doesn't seem to be aging. If you look at pictures of him from 30 years ago, he looks EXACTLY THE SAME.

All I'd need to get out of bed in the morning is the knowledge that, if I didn't, my alarm clock would transfer $1.00 from my checking account into Joe's.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 22, 2008 4:58 PM.

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The next post in this blog is #77 - American Graffiti.

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