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MTV of the Future

The future is now, folks. Take a look at this CGI music video to see what MTV will be playing 24 hours a day soon. Man, I can just see it now... what's that? MTV doesn't play music videos anymore? You're kidding, right? Man, the future sucks. I bet we don't even have flying cars yet.

First things first: our belongings finally arrived. They even showed up a day before we thought they would (last Friday). Everything seems to be accounted for, and only one thing was destroyed (an ugly lampshade). So we are declaring a tentative victory. We even have lots of things out of boxes. And have cooked! See post below for evidence.

The place is feeling much more homey now. And I think we are also feeling more homey. We're still mostly broke, but only time will change that.

(More random: I'm having a mental block right now. I'm trying to think of a turn of phrase that goes "Time and the _____ _____" where the two blanks are some phrase that I can't for the life of me remember. I don't know where this turn of phrase is from, although something tells me a piece of choral music. I want to say it's "celestial ______" or "heavenly ______" but I'm not sure. Any ideas, internet?)

Samantha got the job she was interviewing for. This will also help with the money issue.

In other news:

  • We signed up for Netflix. The way we rationalized it is this: we are indecisive people, and making a decision about a movie to watch while wandering around Blockbuster was impossible. Somehow making the same decision months and months ahead of time is easier. We'll see how this goes. We're hoping it will at least accelerate the pace of our AFI project.
  • Netflicked so far: Platoon (look for a post soon), Raising Arizona and That Thing You Do. Thoroughly enjoyed the last two.
  • On the demotion of Pluto: it's good science, people. It had so little in common with the other eight and so much in common with other objects we have found since that are definitely not planets. Get over it.
  • The Minnesota Twins are walking the razor's edge between being a playoff-caliber team and being just bad enough to miss. The on-base guys (Castillo, Punto, Tyner, Bartlett) are just now starting to tank, and the guys on back end of the rotation weren't ever that great to begin with. And if they don't turn it on again really soon, it won't be enough. It's been such an exciting season so far, but I'd hate to see it end grasping at the finish line from a foot away...
  • "How We Know We're in LA" moment of the week: Walking into the local Borders Books location and finding Anne McCaffrey doing a book signing.
  • I still need to tell all y'all about our honeymoon plans. Remind me.

There may be one more big change before I start posting regularly again. Keep your Internet eye peeled.

Comments (1)


Okay, yet again we do some freaky weird movie related "great minds think alike" deal with the best timing. I joined Netflix right before the labor day holiday. If you want be my netflix friend, lemme know. (I don't need it for the AFI list though because my public library (where I now work) is doing the whole set of the collections.--wow check out double nested parentheses) But you'll find other good choices probably. Also, congrats on finally getting the accents to your existence!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 6, 2006 8:44 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Foodblogging.

The next post in this blog is #83 - Platoon.

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