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Sometimes I think that if the Internet were not good for anything else, its existence would still be completely justified by the fact that it makes cross-genre song covers available for my consumption. I seriously thought that Nickel Creek covering Toxic was the best thing I've ever found, but this one's giving it a run for its money.

My life is full of music again. Tuesday nights finds Samantha and me rehearsing with the Angeles Chorale. They are currently directed by John Sutton, a self-proclaimed fan of the St. Olaf Choir and friend of Dr. A's. My audition was embarrassingly easy because of this. Thursday night I am at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran in West Hills singing with the choir there. Mark, the music dude there, scores film and television for his day job.

The jury is still out on both of these places, and consequently on choral music in LA as a whole. But I should give it a year or so before passing judgement. I will be auditioning for a chamber group within the Chorale tomorrow. Maybe this will help. Oh, what a choral nerd I am...

In other news:

Netflicked recently: Arsenic and Old Lace -- hilarious, amazing, Cary Grant is a god; The Tick Vs. Season One! -- it's as funny as I remember it.
  • We went rollerblading on Venice Beach the other weekend. That was fun.
  • We've joined the gym on campus and I've been there five times already. The elliptical machine is my friend.
  • I've met some awesome people at work. Susanna, Eric, Jaclyn, and Lindsay all are redeeming my faith in librarians as young interesting people. Now, can we find interesting things to do outside of work?
  • Ye gods it's freezing in here. Time to get the blood moving.

    Comments (1)


    Hi Andrew... my work email is tpeter@brenau.edu (similar to my indiana mail, but without the middle initial... just different enough to be annoying). I need your's as well so I can send you super secret messages while I "work". Hope all is well!


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    The next post in this blog is Who Am I.

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