I'm not a big one for blonde jokes, but this one was too good not to pass along.
So you know how Google takes into account the words that one uses to link to things when it ranks its pages? (If you didn't know that, well, now you do, and it helps explain how people exploit Google for things like the miserable failure trick.) And you know how people use the words "here" or "click here" to link to things a lot? That just made me think... what's the top Google results for "here"?
What I found was unsurprising. In other news...
Eek, last 401 session tomorrow. I have barely received any of the homework from my students yet. Slackers!
Does anybody have any experience applying for federal jobs? There's a couple at the Patent and Trademark Office that are looking interesting to me, but the process also looks unusual and kind of scary...
I have a performance of French choir and organ music with the Bloomington chapter of the AGO this weekend. Come on out to St. Thomas Lutheran at 5 pm on Sunday if you're into such things. It's interesting rep to say the least.
Comments (1)
"the process also looks unusual and kind of scary..."
Yes, but just wait until you actually work for the government...
Posted by Aaron | January 30, 2006 7:56 PM
Posted on January 30, 2006 19:56