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The End Is Near

Of the summer, that is. Heheh. It's near enough to see, anyway. This means a variety of things.

We get some self-storage space on Friday, which we'll be moving stuff into for the next week and a half. Anyone with a truck or other couch-moving implement, please call.

My tenure at the Chemistry Library will be up soon. This is too bad -- an easy and somewhat lucrative job that was basically handed me. I'm searching for other employment for the next school year...

  • Gary Wiggins, the guru of chemical information, is giving me some part time work. I'm not exactly sure what it will entail, but it'll undoubtedly be good experience.
  • Same with an Instructional Assistant job I've landed, but again, it will be extremely part-time (like, 1 hour a week).
  • So far, WonderLab has resolutely refused to post any openings... darn them.
  • I've applied to be a substitute teacher with Monroe County Schools. I don't know anything more about this. They might be overloaded with Education graduates from IU looking for work, or they might not. I guess we'll see.
  • Got some other leads that I haven't applied for yet. Guess I should do that.

Other items of note:

  • Our trip to Spellbound was a success. It was about what I expected -- a number of Harry Potter-themed events happening around a suburban mall, lots of nerds dressed up in school-boy and -girl outfits, and a scene at the local Border's at midnight. Among the unexpected were a few more impressive costumes, the worst game of chess I've ever seen (played out with live people, a la Wizard Chess), watching a variation on Quidditch being played outside our hotel window, and a fantastic dinner we had at a local Greek restaurant (that wasn't HP related at all). I had a glass of Retsina and it was great.
  • I am now in possession of the IKEA desk I originally intended to buy (having sold the previous one in a fit of optimism about our upcoming visit to the store). Samantha also purchased a dresser. More IKEA furniture to come.
  • I have finished the Narnia Chronicles. I finished up The Last Battle just in time for our trip, and I only had to wait until Monday for Samantha to finish the new Harry Potter book. Which I'm also done with. :) Next up is either a book my mom suggested or Tam Lin... will decide soon.

Bah. I need to post more often and with less verbosity. I'll work on this. Meanwhile, I'm off to more culinary catastrophe and preliminary packing. (Not to mention alliterative adventures.) Peace!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 20, 2005 3:59 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Quote of the Week 20.

The next post in this blog is InfoVis Stuff.

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