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Other Miscellanea

  • Things are moving along in the internship planning. I've got one of the bigwig librarians at DePauw sweet talking me, and I'm also in touch with the science librarian at Butler. They are both at liberal arts schools with science libraries and only about 60 miles away from Bloomington. Hopefully one of these will pan out.
  • We saw Batman Begins on Saturday. It was sweet. Acting was completely over the top awesome -- Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Cillian Murphy and Christian Bale as the Caped Crusader himself all turning in stellar performances. Go see this movie.
  • I got a letter from the IRS a couple weeks ago claiming that I owed them $28,543. Everybody now, 1, 2, 3... WTF?! It appears to have stemmed from someone out there dropping a decimal point. I'm trying to get this cleared up... more news as events warrant.
  • We went out to a lakehouse outside Columbus, IN, last night (thanks to Samantha's friendship with a bunch of people at The Village Deli restaurant, her place of employment). It was a gorgeous afternoon and evening, filled with boating, swimming, tasty ribs, alcohol and lovely ladies in bikinis (Samantha included :] ). As I was cruising across the lake at 50+ mph and Kelly Clarkson's Since U Been Gone was blasting on the boat's stereo, I thought, "Life is good."

And so it is. Too bad grad school doesn't last forever...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 21, 2005 5:04 PM.

The previous post in this blog was A Quiz.

The next post in this blog is Survey This.

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