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Thanksgave / An R-rated Quote of the Week

"Back to life, back to reality..." This song usually echoes in my head after periods away from so-called real life. I always enjoy the reprieves from the grind that holiday breaks offer. Here's how mine went down:

  • 11 hours to MN on Wednesday. Snow in northern Illinois, but not bad the rest of the way.
  • Unsettlingly patriotic and right-wing Thanksgiving church service Wednesday night. God Bless America is not a Lutheran hymn.
  • A very enjoyable Thanksgiving (barring one major mishap) with family. I guess it just wouldn't be a family holiday without the paramedics showing up.
  • A trip to Maplewood Mall on Friday. Not as painful as you might think, and actually rather fruitful. Found what I was looking to get Samantha for Christmas. :) And no, I'm not telling what it is...
  • Hung out with Joseph on Friday night. Watched Young Frankenstein ("Call it a hunch!" Bwa-ha!), went to Chevy's with Fomps and Yuri, and played an utterly insane and wonderful video game called Katamari Damacy. Good times.
  • 11 hours back to Indiana on Saturday. It rained the whole. Freaking. Way.
  • Did nothing productive on Sunday. But it was a fabulous day nonetheless. :) Contrary to what Matt Kuhn lead me to believe, Shrek 2 is not as funny or good as the first. Sorry, Matt.
  • Quote of the Week 9: "So, it's kind of like 'fuck?'" - Samantha, in response to me trying to explain the usage of the word "Uff-da."

So now it's Monday. And I have, like, two weeks of school left. Wow. It will be busy with final projects, which I don't like of course, but actually is pretty okay in the broad scheme of things, seeing how unstressed I've been for most of the semester. First on the list: look for a popular article on nanotechnology that I was supposed to have identified two months ago. Hmm...

Happy almost December! Peace!

Comments (2)

Why didn't anyone comment here yet?

and also, in relation to this segment of your post . . .

"So, it's kind of like 'fuck'?" - Samantha, in response to me trying to explain the usage of the word "Uff-da".

. . .I'm not sure you used the quotation marks properly in either instance.

I don't have a copy of the Andrew Klein Manual of Style, but if I did, I would check out the page about whether punctuation falls inside or outside the marks.

Not to be hostile or anything.


Dear sir -

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Category 6: Grammatical/typographical error

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 29, 2004 12:08 PM.

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The next post in this blog is The Feast of St. Andrew.

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