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My First Meme

I don't even know what meme means. Did I use it right?

15 years ago today, I was...
1. Still confused about what was so great about girls.
2. Laying waste to some spelling tests.
3. Role-playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the playground.

10 years ago today, I was...
1. Reading Romeo and Juliet for the first time in 9th grade English.
2. Dreaming about Brandy Escabedo. Siiiiiigh...
3. Rehearsing for a terrible middle school play called Lagooned. I was the Witch Doctor.

5 years ago today, I was...
1. Doing my organic pre-labs and registering for second semester classes.
2. Rehearsing Vaughn-Williams' Ring Out Ye Crystal Spheres and marvelling at the new Buntrock Commons.
3. Dreaming of a farm girl 330 miles away.

3 years ago today, I was...
1. Cruising through Biochemistry and Genetics, and rehearsing with Garrison Keillor with the St. Olaf Choir.
2. Heartbroken and confused.
3. Deciding my student teaching placement and setting myself on the path for an apartment in Bloomington with Gillian and Amy. :)

1 year ago today, I was...
1. Still glowing after seeing Storyhill in Duluth.
2. Giving 120 9th graders a test on the periodic table.
3. Taking solace from my loneliness in a few friends, my choir and the far-off possibility of graduate school.

So far this year, I have...
1. Stopped being a teacher. Whew.
2. Moved to Indiana and started studying library science.
3. Found a rather wonderful young woman to share my time with.

Yesterday, I...
1. Completed two assignments in the space of 90 minutes.
2. Ate lunch outside without a jacket. I love Indiana.
3. Saw Jesus Christ Superstar!

Today, I...
1. Was bored stiff "learning" about Excel in 401.
2. Explored an area of campus I'd never been to before.
3. Had some marvelous chili made by my roommate Chris.

Tomorrow, I will...
1. Do laundry, hopefully.
2. Rehearse Bach's Mass in B minor.
3. Actually do my reading for 624. Wouldn't that be cool.

Enjoy. Pass it on.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 17, 2004 8:42 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Quote of the Week 7.

The next post in this blog is "Haiku, Transform and Roll Out".

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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