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School Daze

School has officially begun at IU. And the undergrads are out in droves. The people here are beautiful. I'll make the comparison again -- it's like St. Olaf, only multiplied by 10. It's kind of creepy, really... where are all the not-so-gorgeous people? The weather's been nice, so everyone's enjoying the campus to its fullest extent so far.

I had my first class yesterday -- L524, Information Sources and Services. Which I'll just call Reference from now on. Prof. Pnina Shachaf is Israeli and appears to really know her stuff, if I can get used to the somewhat broken English she speaks.

Have I mentioned the gender ratio in SLIS? Yeah, it's definitely in my favor. I would estimate that in Reference alone, there's about three or four girls for every guy in the class. The people in SLIS are rather varied though -- for the most part, they do not look like the rest of the student population (i.e., tall, blonde and gorgeous). Which is... I don't know. More real? Anyway -- my roommates are very amused by this line of talk. Ramsey busted a gut laughing when I said (with tongue firmly in cheek) that "basically, all the ladies are mine." Yeah, right -- maybe I'll actually work up the courage to talk to some of them.

Callbacks for choir auditions are posted today. Maybe I can finally get my schedule nailed down now. Any guesses on whether they'll let me sing in one of the good choirs even with a huge Monday afternoon conflict? If I make callbacks, that means I have to skip the first session of a History and Philosophy of Science class I'm thinking about adding. :( It's a strange place to be... I think I'll actually be fine with whatever outcome presents itself. I just want to be settled...

Well, I'd better start reading. I figured I should turn over a new leaf now that I'm in grad school and do my reading. We'll see how long this lasts. Peace.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 31, 2004 10:10 AM.

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