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Oh Yeah

In the midst of all the excitement moving to a new state and starting school and all, I've missed a few important dates...

Aug 24: Jen's birthday. Happy belated, friend. Was it really two years ago I made that mix CD? Glad you're still enjoying it.
Aug 23: My mom's birthday. Shoot. I knew I would forget this. The card's in the mail, Mom. Sorry!
Aug 22. Sigh. What do I call this day? The day my heart broke? The last day I knew true happiness? The day my life ended? Whatever. Anyway, it's been three years and you'd think I'd be over it. You'd think that, wouldn't you. You'd also have another think coming. It's a good sign that I didn't remember it until last night, I guess. Well, we'll keep hoping and see what this year brings...

That's all for now. I finally have orientation today, so it's off to make new friends. First day of school! I couldn't sleep last night, as usual. :) I love it.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 26, 2004 9:47 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Fire of Hospitality.

The next post in this blog is School Daze.

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