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October Travels

I've been out and about the past week or so. I had a library nerd event to attend late last week, so Thursday morning I embarked on a public transit adventure. Samantha dropped me off at the local Metro North station and I was whisked into New York City. Then I walked from Grand Central Terminal to Penn Station and boarded the Acela Express to Washington, DC. I must recommend the Acela if it's in your price range. It was very easy-on-easy-off and quite comfortable. I then took the Washington Metro to my destination. I always enjoy riding the rails in whatever form they take.

Friday, after my conference was over, I spent the evening and the next morning in the company of my good friends and DC residents Rob and Krysti. We had excellent pizza that evening, excellent breakfast (courtesy of the local farmer's market, bakery, and Rob's cooking talent) the next morning and excellent conversation throughout.

I reversed the trip on Saturday. On Sunday, we jumped in the car and headed to Gloucester, MA, to stay with my mom for a couple of days during her week-long vacation in the area. Vacations with family usually mean lots of laying around and reading. There was a fair bit of that, along with some delicious seafood and a couple of cribbage games (both of which I lost).

It's always good to get away, if only that it makes coming back home that much more sweet.


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