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#75 - Dances with Wolves

Kevin Costner directs and stars in this 1990 Best Picture winning epic about a Union soldier at a remote post in South Dakota who befriends a Lakota Sioux tribe of Indians.

Ugh. We had a tough time working up any excitement for this one and I'm also having trouble coming up with much to say here. You've probably seen this one and have an opinion about it either way. I found it entirely too long (not helped by the fact that we got the "extended version" from Netflix) and pretty snooze-worthy. The story is strong, but it got diluted by the lengthy running time. The acting was mediocre at best, especially Costner.

Many of the features of the other westerns we've seen hold true here (wide open vistas, etc). It does get points for turning the usual "savage Indian, civilized westerner" theme on its head.

It's an okay movie for what it's trying to do. But I honestly don't see what the fuss is about. And... that's it. Next.


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