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Regarding Things of Import in My Life

Oh, my readers, my life doesn't change much. Still singing, the job search, baseball, Storyhill and weird Internet cat videos. But since you're already here, I'll offer some updates on all of the above, plus more! (Ooh, bonus updates! It's your lucky day!)

  • My time with the Occidental Chorale has come to an end with our performance of Verdi's Requiem two weekends ago. I actually had some folks I knew in attendance this time -- thanks friends! I hope to post in more detail about my singing gigs soon, so I'll save any evaluation until then. My Master Chorale commitment has ramped up again in preparation for the first of two May shows. As Samantha and I tend to say, "It's a good thing I like singing."
  • The job search: it continues. In unrelated news, I visited Samantha last weekend, which was excellent as always. We patronized The Busy Bee (great food, poor service) and the House of Laura and Sarah (not a restaurant, but great food nonetheless, and fun games, too). We also accomplished another large task, which I will fill you in on after it is completed, so as not to jinx it.
  • We have had baseball, glorious baseball, for three and a half weeks, and the conclusions to be drawn so far pretty much mirror our expectations going in: Carlos Gomez looks raw, Liriano isn't all back yet, the offense has improved marginally but not greatly, Young isn't the superstar we want (at least not yet). *shrug* But it's fun nonetheless. My fantasy team is actually doing worse than the Twins, if you can believe it. But it's early.
  • There are new Storyhill songs about! Check out a recent MPR broadcast and a Youtube video of a recent show in Duluth. *insert fangirl squee here*
  • My mom is coming to visit soon! Where does one take one's mother when they come to visit LA?
  • Netflixed recently: In Good Company (filling out my Scarlett repertoire, mostly forgettable except for the excellent soundtrack and non-cliche, actually sort of realistic ending), Stephen Lynch: Live at the El Rey (very funny, predictably), Mitch All Together (not as funny as I thought it'd be, sadly), and The Glass Bottom Boat (enjoyable in that '60s era goofy comedy sort of way, and my first experience with Doris Day, who was lovely -- I'll have to check out some of her earlier films).

That is all.

Oh, and the cat video, of course. Hee!


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Comments (3)

Two things:


We also accomplished another large task, which I will fill you in on after it is completed, so as not to jinx it.


My mom is coming to visit soon! Where does one take one's mother when they come to visit LA?
Wicked. Beverly Hills. A "club" in West Hollywood. A bacon dog on Santa Monica. Tom Arnold's house. A filming of Leno. Redlands.


You're actually not the only one who guessed "baby," and sorry to disappoint, but no. Good suggestions, though!

Cute video. Excellent use of Mozart's Rex Tremendae.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 23, 2008 5:05 PM.

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