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More Cats, More Weeks

Yes, I hear you. You're asking, where are the weird cat videos? Well, here you are. I only live to serve.

It's been another One Of Those Weeks, or rather several of them, recently. We've come to the conclusion that living 2500 miles apart get infinitely more difficult the more life throws at you. And it's been quite a bit lately. The bike getting stolen again was just the icing on the cake (I'm over it now). Before that, we also learned we owed quite a bit to the IRS for the first time, which was unexpected, although perhaps shouldn't have been in hindsight. The plus side is that this happened because we're making more money than we ever have, which is unequivocally a good thing, so the recovery period won't be long. Also we had a housing crisis for Samantha due to her sublease ending and a somewhat unprofessional landlord renting an apartment out from underneath her. The solution for this is not ideal, but is manageable for the short term. Finally, my New York job prospects have gone pretty cold lately. It's combined for a tough couple weeks, so we're hopeful there's some good news around the corner.

On the plus side, I've had a lot more free time than I usually do lately, thanks to a break from church choir after Easter (well deserved, let me tell you -- those Episcopalians sure do know how to celebrate), and a three day weekend (thanks Cesar Chavez). So what have I been doing with it? Playing Starcraft. Why am I wasting my time with a 10-year-old computer game, you may ask? That's an excellent question -- one I don't really have a good answer to. A conversation on the forum sparked the resurrection of my interest in the game, which is the last computer game I was really any good at. *shrug* It's entertaining. I need a little distraction now and then. My life for Aiur!

In any case, I'm enjoying it while I can, since April and May will be busy again. I've got a conference next weekend, a concert the following weekend, and preparations for both along with other deadlines at work to keep me out of trouble. Then I've got my two Master Chorale concerts in May, along with my mom's visit.

In other news:

  • Baseball is almost here. It's so close I can taste it. Just two more days. Gah, it always feels like it's been forever since October.
  • I never told you about our Amoeba haul from Samantha's visit in February. I picked up Haughty Melodic by Mike Doughty, Hey Hey My My Yo Yo by Junior Senior and Soapbox Heroes by Enter the Haggis. I'm actually enjoying them all fairly equally, which is a rarity for new music. Okay, maybe Enter the Haggis is in the lead. Whatever. You can't prove it. Quick, what's that over there?
  • Currently reading: Citizen of the Galaxy, an old juvie by Heinlein. He wrote dozens of them, and I can never remember which ones I've read and which ones I haven't. Don't think I've read this one. Enjoyable, as always.
  • Watched recently: 300 (truly a man's movie -- pretty good, though), Scrubs, Season 1 (just the first disc, but I can already tell I'll like it a lot), and Y Tu Mama Tambien (didn't really enjoy it, found it to be mildly funny but mostly depressing).

I'm off. Those Siege Tanks aren't gonna build themselves. Peace.


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Comments (1)


Yeah, I feel you both on the job hunt (I've been lucky to nab an interview, because there aren't any jobs posted in CO to begin with) and on general crap as well. It has just been a bad month. I hope things get better for you though and that you get to be with Samantha again soon!


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