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Today and Other Days

Today is September 11th -- the first time it's fallen on a Tuesday since 2001. As a card-carrying young liberal, I sometimes get caught up in the fallout from the event -- the PATRIOT act, the airport "security", this war we've been dragged into, etc etc -- all of which are mostly bad things and don't seem to have done much to improve the situation. But that doesn't change the fact that a terrible thing happened six years ago and it's worth thinking about the people whose lives ended or were irrevocably changed that day. I still remember Evan Frodermann coming up to me in the lobby of the Science Building on the St. Olaf campus to tell me that the world was screwed up...

Alas, I didn't really come here to post that thought. I came here to post the Iron Man trailer (OMG, so cool looking, I hope it's not another Fantastic Four though). So enjoy that.

In other news, September brings with it a new music season. And new choirs. Yes, that's plural. I'm such a choir addict that just one won't sate my fix anymore:

  1. Since my supplemental role with the Master Chorale doesn't really provide me with regular rehearsals (something that's important for keeping my voice in shape and lending a comforting regularity to my life), I've joined the Occidental Chorale, a college-and-community choir with a year full of programming I've never performed and an excellent director. The group came recommended from a friend and so far it has not disappointed.
  2. I've been hired as a paid baritone section leader at St. Matthews Episcopal in Pacific Palisades. I liked the Lutheran church I was volunteering at last year, but I can't pass up an opportunity to get paid for something I would do anyway. Add better repertoire, a friendly bunch of people, and a very decent salary, and it seems like it'll be another good addition to my life.
I also had the pleasure of entertaining another friend visiting our fine metropolis. Joe was here on Sunday as part of a whirlwind work trip, but that didn't stop us from spending some time driving around the OC and sampling the local cuisine.

We went to see the latest Russell Crowe flick 3:10 to Yuma in a sneak preview and enjoyed it quite a bit (Samantha more than I, perhaps, for obvious reasons).

Also, I noticed that the general reaction to Andrew Sampler Vol. 3 was pretty underwhelming. I figure that's because most of you are just sad that you can't actually OWN such an incredible compilation of tunes. Well, be gone, sadness, for I will send you your very own copy of the disc if you so desire! Just let me know. I like sharing my favorite music.

Otherwise, life is as usual. Samantha's got some job stuff brewing, but I'll wait for it to settle into "definite" instead of "possibility" before I make any announcements.


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