Predicting Your Future Blog Posts Is a Bad Idea
Because you run into something like this and can't resist sharing it. So, so true.
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Because you run into something like this and can't resist sharing it. So, so true.
Now that we've been back for over a month and a half, I suppose I should fill you in on what's been going on since then. Mostly it's been the same old same old. I'm still working, Samantha's still working, we sing, she fences, I do church stuff, etc. etc. But here's some highlights since we've been back:
Did I miss anything?
I'm not a big video gamer, but I scuttle on the periphery of their world by virtue of the fact that I read a video game web comic. So occasionally I run across something that is borne of video games but crosses lines into something broader and more widely applicable -- perhaps, into art. That's exactly what this video of 1000 cars racing at the same time is. There's a liquidity to the flow of vehicles that is something rather wonderful to behold.
Speaking of flow, here's another post out of my predicted flow of updates. Alas. I'll get to my AFI reviews soon.
Spring seems to spring early here in southern California. I had to put on my coat today and yesterday for the first time in weeks. But a couple weekends ago we took advantage of a beautiful Saturday by packing up a picnic and heading to a local park. We worked up an appetite with some rollerblading and enjoyed some sandwiches, tabbouleh and fruit from Whole Foods whilst making use of the very cool picnic backpack kit we received from Samantha's mom for Christmas. A very enjoyable afternoon, I must say -- and probably not something we would have been able to do in March in the Midwest.
Last weekend was less exciting -- although we did make a trip to a thift store where I purchased an iron (!!! finally) and a Hawaiian shirt. Whoo! Also, I bought some new tux pants. Yeah, the pair I bought ten years ago just don't seem to fit as well as they used to...
Otherwise things are as normal. Samantha and I are both skipping town soon, me for a librarian conference (will you be there?) and her to visit ye olde Bloomington and help her fencers out with the national collegiate tournament.
Netflixed recently:
The end. OR IS IT???
This page contains all entries posted to This Side of Lost in March 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.
February 2007 is the previous archive.
April 2007 is the next archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.