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In honor of my blog transforming into its new look, here's a couple Transformers related videos: what happens when you mistreat your copy machine, and someone giving a short clip of an old Transformers cartoon the ghetto overdub treatment (careful, this one contains swears).

So yeah, Steve upgraded the blog to a new version of Movable Type, so things look a little different. What do you think? It's going to take a little while until I get all the bugs worked out, so drop me a line if something isn't working and we'll see what we can do.

In other news, let's see what a bulleted list looks like now:

  • Party Girl was our Netflick this week -- a classic in the librarian genre, apparently. It was loads of fun, and I think I have a voice crush on Parker Posey now.
  • We also saw The Prestige this weekend, and let me tell you, it's still kind of freaking me out. It's very well done though, and I highly recommend it. (Also, the seventh Scarlett Johanssen film I've seen.)
  • The always entertaining Jon Yaeger was in town for the AMS national conference, and we got to have dinner and dessert with him on Saturday night. Hooray for conference visits. Is your conference in LA this year? Give us a call!
  • I staffed the reference desk at work on Saturday, which means I get a day off this week. Add that with Veteran's Day on Friday and I have a three day work week! Oh, the strenuous life of a librarian.

Lunch time is over, back to work, you!


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Comments (2)


I HEART Party Girl!

It breaks my heart to say this Wick, but Optimus Prime hax.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 6, 2006 12:58 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Sorry/Badger Redux.

The next post in this blog is Letter Opener.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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