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CGI-Laden Blockbuster

Two particular ones I have in mind:

We saw Superman Returns last night. I enjoyed it. The special effects were well utilized and the plotline was fun. I thought that it moved slowly, though, and wasn't quite as deep as it wanted to be. But it was good. I'd recommend it.

But, MORE IMPORTANTLY, I have some Transformers related links:

  • Hasbro announced a new line of toys for November 2006: Transformers Classics. Fun to see some of the oldies-but-goodies getting an update. (Thanks to Jason for the tip.)
  • For those of you who enjoyed the Citroen ad with the transforming car (both the original and the version with pre-dance warm up), there's a new one. They have all been rated Totally Sweet.
  • The official website for the upcoming movie has a teaser of sorts. I have no idea what it's counting down to -- which is the intended effect, I'm sure. What's happening at 1:00 pm EDT on July 5th?
  • And finally, did you know that Optimus Prime is huge in China? Literally. (Thanks to Loren.)

In other news:

  • My trip to LA was successful, so far. We've chosen a nice spot with a 2 bedroom available. Now if we can pass the rigorous application process. Credit checks, pay stubs and previous addresses, oh my!
  • We are starting our Whirlwind Wedding Tour '06 today, as we leave for Stillwater this evening. Our thoughts go out to Tom and Alicia in the last two days of their planning! Although really, our thoughts can only go so far, because they could have eloped. So they were asking for it, really.
  • My good high school friend Andy recently informed me that he and his wife Lauren are also moving to the LA metro area (albeit Riverside, which is about as far away from Northridge as you can be and still be in the "LA metro area")! Very exciting. We don't know very many people there yet, so it's nice to have at least a couple of friends to call.
  • My friend Megan got engaged last week. It was a little sudden, but far be it from me to criticize about that. :) When you know, you know, and apparently she did. I'll admit that, in the past, when I thought about this inevitably occurring, I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it. But now that it has, I find that all I feel is happiness -- for her and that she's found someone who makes her happy. And that is how it should be for us all.

Here's hoping you're having a happy day too. Peace!


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