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Little Five/Busyness

The former is what most of Bloomington is doing by this point. The phrase "Little Five" describes what is basically the biggest party weekend of the year around here, in celebration of the Little 500, the annual bike race (ever seen Breaking Away?). It's kind of an odd cause-and-effect thing: whereby a bike race causes the amount of people sitting out on house porches playing beer pong, that retarded bean bag toss, and drinking alcoholic beverages triples.

The latter is what I am doing. I have a goodly number of journal entries and article synopses to finish up for my internship meeting next week, not to mention the final project for Nisonger's class. So you probably won't be hearing from me for a while. Sorry. And I was doing so well there for a while...

So I'll leave you with one of the best ads to come out of the Firefox Flicks contest so far. Well, maybe not the best, but definitely the funniest.

Comments (2)


"that retarded bean bag toss"

I'll have you know baggo is the premier picnic game that you can play while simultaneously drinking.

Dude, that bean bag toss is dumb (i.e., horseshoes for sissies).


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 20, 2006 6:35 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Another Entry In Which Is Contained a Strange Web Video.

The next post in this blog is Future Posts.

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