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Spring Broken

Okay, I've been away for a little while, sorry. I was on Spring Break, so give me a, well, you know. I don't even have a weird link for you today! Man. I guess I'll just have to go with an oldie-but-goodie, the classic Insanity Test.

I have done very little of what I planned to do over the break, but I was very successful at one thing -- taking a break. Ah well. I guess I'll just have a good reason to work even harder next week.

In other news:

  • I worked for Gary for 8 hours on Tuesday, helping him put together a grant application. I can see now why people agonize over this process.
  • Samantha and I ventured into Indy on Thursday to see this Broad Ripple place we hear so much about on WTTS. It was pleasant, if underwhelming. We didn't purchase anything, though.
  • St. Urho's Day was on Thursday as well. If you know what this is, that should be all the information you need to grasp its importance. If you don't know what this is, I'm not going to tell you. So there.
  • We watched Mari and her amazing fiddling talents on St. Paddy's Day, and then stuck around for a poetry slam. Yikes. Now I can say that I've been to a poetry slam. Whee!
  • We witnessed the end of the Indiana basketball season last night, at Yogi's. I feel somewhat ashamed that I even am aware of this, but there it is. Chalk it up to the atmosphere of hoops that seems to permeate the very air around me in this state. I can't escape.
  • I have now finished the ninth book of the Wheel of Time series. Victory is within my grasp. An acquaintance asked me how long I've been reading this series, and I had to go into the Archives to figure it out... I think it was October. Yikes again.
  • I have signed on with another choir for a temporary period. Yes, I am a singing fool. More news about this soon.

And I'd better finish off my Spring Break right... with greasy Chinese. Probably.

Comments (1)


uhmmm..what up?

so storyhill is going to be in appleton, WI on may 20th.

uhhhhhhhh. what else.. uhh. bonnaroo is going to be in manchester, TN on june 16-18.

uhhhh. yeah! cool! christoph dundas has a facebook too. cooooool.
i'm a weirdoooo


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 19, 2006 6:54 PM.

The previous post in this blog was #86 - Mutiny on the Bounty.

The next post in this blog is Transformers/Daft Punk.

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