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Seeing Double

Do not adjust your set -- you may be reading this entry twice. I'm going to start posting my entries here on LiveJournal as well, because it seems like something fun to do and may some of my peeps keep track of me easier. Plus I get to include my mood and music with my posts there. Even though the music will probably just be whatever's stuck in my head.

Which, today, is Great Big Sea. Yes, they were not on a list of any form, but instead jumped straight to the top of the queue thanks to a very strong first four tracks on their 2004 effort Something Beautiful, which I listened to on those nifty little headphone machines at Barnes and Noble. I don't know, something about them spoke to me, plus I figured Samantha would like them. The rest of the album isn't as good as the first four songs, but I've been pretty pleased nonetheless. Track 2 is the best and probably my new favorite song (as well as inspiration for the new name of my LJ page).

In other news:

  • Apparently there's a 3-hour long Daily Show special on movies this Sunday night. Anyone interested in watching?
  • The Twins won their first spring training game with Boston 6-3. Spring Training is a poor indicator of future performance, but I was excited anyway.
  • Congratulations and props to my friend Becky, who is enrolling in a library science program this fall! Librarians unite! Here's some questionable advice for you, Becks. Remember, in every joke, there's 10% truth.
  • And another dispatch from the same fellow. Inspired by that Chuck Norris site that's been making the rounds? Possibly.

Okay, I should probably revise my resume for the round robin resume review (RRRR) that's going on here today. Peace!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 3, 2006 10:13 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Oh, That Silly Internet.

The next post in this blog is Sadness in Twins Territory.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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