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Off Week

This week's been a little weird so far. My schedule has been all wacky, for one. I didn't go to Greencastle because I was ill on Monday and Caroline's son was ill on Tuesday. So I am instead here today, but Caroline is home sick. And my baseball world is turned upside down with the untimely death of my childhood baseball hero, the breaking Barry Bonds stuff (no link -- go find it if you care, I really don't) and most interestingly, the WBC upset of Canada over the USA 8-6. Which was awesome, don't get me wrong -- I always root for the underdog, so seeing the US superstars get shut down by no-name Canadians (Adam Loewen? Eric Cyr? Stubby Clapp??) was pretty wild -- but still a little odd.

So I'm feeling kinda surreal. And then I go on Spring Break. Great, that'll help. Plans for Spring Break:

  • Catch up on my work for my internship (journals, readings)
  • Apply for jobs
  • Do my project for Nisonger's class
  • Finalize plans for the "wedding"
  • Do our taxes
  • Help Mari clean her apartment
  • Go bowling
  • Get my car fixed
  • Watch WBC games with Jon and others
  • Not travel. :( Except maybe to Indy.

In other news:

  • Here's the preliminary news brief about my choir concert: it's Saturday the 25th, at 8 pm. Program is Bach, Mozart, Stravinsky and Barber. $12 advance tickets, plus free admission to the after-concert gathering that Samantha and I are probably hosting. Let us know if you want to come -- we have tickets we need to sell.
  • Oh, regarding the WBC, if you've got some money to blow, check out this item on my wishlist. Soooo awesome. Wedding present, anyone?
  • Umm... that's it.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 9, 2006 2:31 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Double-you Bee See.

The next post in this blog is Doughnut Burger.

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