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Quick - Eddie from Ohio

Much like Strat-O-Matic, I'm not sure how I got to this point in my life before becoming aware of Eddie from Ohio. They are a foursome out of Virginia who sing great harmony and play kinda folksy, kinda poppy, really funny and sometimes poignant music. Think a healthy blend of Guster, Moxy Fruvous and Caedmon's Call and you've almost got it. Clearly something I would enjoy.

Anyway, more surprising than this is the fact that none of my friends seem to be aware of them either, because for just about every song on Quick (the album I own), I can think of a friend who would like it:

1) Quick: Peter Pearson. He'd probably like all of it, since it's kinda folksy and heavy on acoustic instruments, but a song arguably about relativity? Yeah, that's him.

2) Let's Get Mesolithic: Joe. Something (err, everything) about this one would definitely appeal to his sense of humor.

3) The Best of Me: Jen, about three years ago. She's pretty happy in her relationship right now, but I bet she would have appreciated the bitter tone of this one. But she'd still like the verse with all the pet names.

4) Hey Little Man: Kelsay, who loves upbeat songs, a capella music and literary references.

5) Number Six Driver: Megan, for the introspective, wistful lyrics, the road-song aesthetic and straight-forward sound that is very reminiscent of Caedmon's Call.

6) One Thousand Sarahs: Me. I heart this song.

7) Monotony: Matt Kuhn would just be bowled over by the wittiness and sarcasm of this one.

8) Candido and America: Gillian, because it's just a beautiful and thoughtful song.

9) Abraham: The only one I can't think of anyone for, because it's pretty depressed and resigned, and I'm generally not friends with those kind of people.

10) Cantering On Fool: Steve Vandahm, for the finger-pickin' goodness of the instrumental.

11) Tommy the Canexican: Leif. The man who describes his religious beliefs as Cath-eran would love the outrageous wordplay.

12) Tom Burleigh's Dead: Samantha. Irish drinking song, somewhat sick sense of humor? Check.

13) Great Day: Anyone I knew from Wapo Bible camp, for the rollicking, joyful exultation.

Comments (2)


I love 'em. They're sort of the folk world's answer to Barenaked Ladies.


I'll check them out. Very curious now.


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