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And Not a Drop to Drink

Everytime I turn around there is more good music awaiting my thirsty ears. I was a little stagnant in my listening (and purchasing) habits for the past year or so, but I think I'm making up for it recently...

  • Butterfly Boucher: That's "bow-cher." One of my somewhat random used CD purchases at Cheapo over winter break. I can't believe her Another White Dash isn't plastered all over AAA radio.
  • Eddie from Ohio. Pretty sure I already covered this. Where can I get more?
  • KT Tunstall: You may have heard her Black Horse and the Cherry Tree. That was enough for us, but it's not all, by a long shot.

And things that I'm thinking about and just finding now...

  • The Ditty Bops. Also discussed previously.
  • The Duhks. They seem too much like other bands I enjoy to ignore.
  • The Mammals. I just found them, like, three minutes ago, but I'm already really intrigued. Covers of Nirvana and Morphine? Cheeky.

And yes, I noticed that all three of the above acts will be at Merlefest. Like I need more incentive.

Anyway, the wishlist is updated. In other news:

  • I am on Day 2 of the four-day Jon Yaeger-fest I've embarked on. It just worked out that way, really.
  • Wish Samantha and her epee girls luck as they head out to South Bend this weekend. Rar!
  • More Strat-O-Matic on Saturday! We've got four nerds this time -- look out, it's a tournament! Where's my d20... and the Cheetos... *snort snort*
  • I just preordered the Baseball Prospectus 2006. Can you tell I'm antsy?

Off to class -- more Nisonger jokes await! Happy weekend!

Comments (1)


I love you...have a wonderful weekend, but don't eat too many Cheetos! :)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 24, 2006 12:28 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Two Possible Truisms (Take Your Pick).

The next post in this blog is Coulter and Kennedy.

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