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More Geekery

Sorry for more Transformers links, but I would be remiss as an obsessive fan if I didn't post this. It is widely being circulated as leaked test footage from the upcoming live action movie. However, several sources say that it's fake, which seems to be the prevailing opinion, seeing as the movie hasn't even been greenlighted yet. *shrug* It's still cool looking.

My second 401 session went well. They may even be learning something. I'll have to grade their homework and let you know.

Tomorrow is Samantha's first fencing tournament in about a year and a half, and my first fencing tournament ever. No, I won't be fencing -- just tagging along. But wish her luck.

I wish I had a laptop.

Pitchers and catchers report to spring training in under six weeks.

That is all.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 20, 2006 10:52 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Info Vis Art.

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