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How To Confirm No One Reads Your Blog

Post that you got married and the only person who comments is Senor Cardgage.

I guess I shouldn't complain, seeing as the frequency of my updating has fallen off considerably. I guess I'm busier than I thought. My apologies for this. I should institute some sort of self-punishment for going too long without an update...

What have we done recently:

  • Seen a few more shows. We saw Arcadia, the opening show for the IU Theater Department's season. I admit to being mostly unfamiliar with Tom Stoppard's work, but it was about what I expected -- smart, literate, and hilarious. Highly recommended. We also saw Gounod's Romeo et Juliette, the second opera of the year. And we were both pretty disappointed. This is my favorite Shakespeare (kind of by default, as it's the play I'm the most familiar with) and it was pretty torn apart by the adaptation. The music was gorgeous - lush, Romantic stuff that I'm a sucker for -- but had few redeeming qualities beyond that. One of the worse productions I've seen here. Sad.
  • Things are gearing up for my first concert with the Bloomington Chamber Singers. Apparently have already become an important member of the bass section, as I am singing in a small group for one of the Tallis pieces, part of a solo group for the Walton, and the baritone solo for Wexford Carol. Yikes. Come see me do my first real choral solo next Saturday.
  • The SLIS Halloween party was last weekend. Paul Betty and his girlfriend Maria hosted. He and Pete ("The Apostles") did their DJ thang. Samantha and I went as a devil and angel respectively. Good times, definitely. There are pictures all over the SLIS pictoblogosphere (I just made that word up right now) for the curious.

Gah. Am hungry. May post more later. Will try to post more often... f'real. We'll see how that goes. Peace.

Comments (5)


Dude. I read your blog. It's kinda tough cause it's not on LJ and I forget sometimes when it doesn't smack me on my online face the way everyone else's LJ does.


Eeep. So how bad is it that I read your entry, looked at the pics...and then posted a comment on Samantha's blog? (I didn't realized until I started my own how integral comments are to the experience. No excuse for this lapse, though.)



Mari - Don't worry about it. There's a reason I'm not on LJ. I don't like smacking people in the face.
Jen - 'Sokay -- I read it eventually. :)
Alison - *shakes head* I should learn to just keep my mouth shut.


Woah! Dude, I didn't know you got married! Congratulations!

I'm also bookmarking your blog -which now that I know you have one I'll make sure to keep tabs on.

Congrats again, and here's wishing you and Samantha all the best.


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