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Cupid's Dance

Love is in the air. Congrats go out to my friend Mike Mensink who got engaged to Rachel Conger last weekend. What a great pair of people. The word on the street is that Samantha's friend Andrew Bowers is talking wedding plans with his girlfriend. And this weekend, Samantha and I are making the marathon trip to MN to watch Andrew Ellingsen and Eric Hopkins make a public ceremony of the commitment to each other -- not that they need it, because it's already so clear in the way they live their lives. I'm looking forward to this -- they as well are wonderful people and I'm sure it will be beautiful. We'll be pulling into town just in time for the whole shindig and leaving almost as quickly, so don't plan to see us (unless we're, like, sleeping at your place, or you're my mom).

Yes, love is in the air. And that's not it -- don't forget Kelsay and Dave's wedding in December, and Rob and Krysti's next July. Wow. I turn 25 and suddenly my unhitched friends are in the minority.

It's strange to be in this place in my life. I've been doing very "grown-up" things for the past three years or so... living on my own, having a real job, managing tight budgets, hauling my life to Indiana for graduate school, living with Samantha... but it doesn't really feel terribly grown up. It just feels like my life. But watching my friends commit their lives to one another? That's something different. Don't get me wrong, now -- it's not "different bad", and not even necessarily "different scary". It's different, but also really cool.

Love is in the air...

And tomorrow is my one-year anniversary with Samantha...

Crazy things could happen...

Comments (7)

you know it's funny I ALWAYS feel this way. every time i book a plane flight, or sign a lease, or reserve a hotel room i feel like i'm getting away with something big. i don't know what's up with that. but congratulations on the anniversary!


Sam made me say hi!


yea! one year anniversary!


Ahhh! Congrats you two!




One year anniversary, isn't that a bit redunant for you Wick? Congrats anyway!

"Crazy things could happen..." I totally missed that. So obvious in hindsight. Congratulations!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 11, 2005 6:32 PM.

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