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When Life Gives You Lemons

Make lemon bars. That's what I did. Well, actually, I had to go buy the lemon. And the zester I used to remove the lemon peel. And the lemon juice -- but you get the idea. They're pretty good, for a first time recipe.

Life is giving me less lemons currently, so that's good. My loans still haven't come through (are you listening, Financial Aid?), but the hemmorhage of funds from my account has been staunched somewhat. Also, UITS (or, as I like to type it, UITZ) contacted me about a possible instructor assistant position with them. So the threatened fourth job may be on the way. How ridiculous.

Angus is improving. He seems to be remarkably cooperative with the force-feeding he is enduring. He looks better and his appetite is ever so slowly coming back. It is time-consuming work -- somebody has to be home at least every 4 hours and it takes at least 20 minutes from start to clean-up -- but it seems to be working. And we have a lot of love for him. So keep thinking happy thoughts. (For those of you who want the messy details of what we think is wrong, I'll direct you to Samantha's post.)

Classes have started. We're in the third week now. I haven't mentioned much about this because honestly there's not much to mention. I'm taking two classes and they both have yet to ramp up to anything resembling real work...

  • L520 - Bibliographic Control and Access. Popularly known as Cataloguing. Basically teaches the practical skill of building records for library materials -- the kind of records you see on the computer screen when you search a library's online catalog (or, if you prefer, what you see on the cards in a card catalog). Many library students speak of the course with dread in their voice. Not sure why as of yet. It seems to be very detail oriented work, but not hellish. Perhaps I will be eating my words soon.
  • L571 - Information Architecture for the Web. A web course, obviously. I'm hoping to expand my stagnant HTML skills. So far all we've talked about is project planning. Sigh.

We were social last Friday. The student chapter of the ALA here had a meet 'n' greet at the City Grille. I had enough barbequed meat to make up for the rest of the time I eat vegetarian with Samantha. We also watched the Twins lose. (By the way, they are terrible and getting worse. I doubt I shall mention them again until the season ends.) We then went to a party at 805 S. Henderson, the abode of Andrew Estel and a couple other music geeks we know. They've got a nice place and we had fun watching Wrestlemania, playing with their touch lamp and tickling Adam Ragusea.

Gotta run. More recipes to find and sick kitties to feed. Peace!

Comments (2)

I've never made lemon bars, but perhaps I'll have to give it a try. On another note, how did doth find me and my web site? Thanks for signin' the ol', dusty guestbook, although I like to think that the three orgs can co-exist peacefully. But we all know that the SOB can play instruments and sing. ;o)


A Yahoo search for my full name pulls up your site around #11-13. Although that won't last long since you nuked the content that was there yesterday!


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