When It Rains, It Pours
It would be misleading to say that the school year so far has not been good. Because it has. I've moved into a great apartment with the love of my life, I've spent time with friends, I've started another semester of class, I've joined choirs, we've had guests and made sushi... all sorts of things are going well -- indeed, better than I expected.
But for several reasons, it doesn't quite feel that way. One of which being the mess in New Orleans. The attitude I'm taking right now is that there isn't a whole lot I can do (I would give money, but I'll address that in a moment), so I've mostly been scanning the headlines when I have a chance and trying not to depress myself too much.
The schedule thing is still bothering me. I'm a guy who generally likes to have a lot to do -- I enjoy my free time, but only when I've earned it. Right now, I still have too much. I'm only taking two classes this semester, and they're both on Friday. I have three jobs, but they all have pretty pathetic hours. I work MW mornings for Gary Wiggins. I work Wednesday afternoon and evening in the SLIS lab (that's the new one), and I am an Instruction Assistant for the main library, which means I sign up for work at my discretion -- but there are a dozen people doing this too, and they seem to be a lot quicker to the sign-up sheet than I am.
Compound this mental feeling of low-income with the rapid exodus of funds that has been taking place. We've spent money on furniture -- desk, dinette set, bookshelf and living room tables -- and I know that it will serve us well for years, it is still rather expensive right now. Outfitting a new apartment isn't cheap. Oil needs changing, books need to be bought, rent needs to be paid. A year's worth of health insurance, even at student rates, is a big chunk of change.
Worst of all, one of our cats, Angus, has taken seriously ill since the move -- he won't eat, he is listless around the house, he has lost 5 pounds. The veterinarian is very capable, but he doesn't know what's wrong yet, and the blood tests and X-rays rack up really quickly. And, as if this wasn't enough, my student loan check is currently tied up in red tape for reasons beyond my understanding. I'm glad I got a credit card when I did, but I'm not looking forward to this month's bill.
Don't get me wrong, things are fine right now -- the creditors aren't beating down my door. It's just wearing on my mind. I'm thanking myself for saving money when I was teaching two years ago every time I dip into my savings account and I'm reminding myself that this is why I did. It still isn't my idea of a good time. And I feel bad sitting around when I could be using this time to pull in another paycheck.
I guess I've had financial security pretty much fall into my lap for a while. Now that it's not quite that easy, I'm freaking out. It's a good lesson to learn, I suppose. Just not easy.
Time to continue looking for Tues/Thurs employment. Peace.