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The Fourth

It's interesting how an arbitrarily assigned number used to mark the passage of time can evolve to represent an occasion that just happened to fall within that particular 24 hour segment of time. Everyone knows what you're talking about if you say "What're you doing for the Fourth?" This kind of nomenclature seems to be reserved for a very select group of dates, however:

  1. Independence days (Fourth of July, Syttende Mai, Juneteenth, etc.)
  2. Massive terrorist attacks (9/11)

I can't really think of what those two have in common, other than they are both an excuse for patriotism.

If you're curious, ours will be spent marching in a kazoo band in the Bloomington parade and trying to find a good vantage point for fireworks. We have already celebrated our feelings of pride about our country by being snarky towards Americans in general at Paul Betty's cookout last night. Regarding cookouts: there's something that's just way more delicious about meat being cooked over an open flame than on the grill or in the frying pan. Reasons number 6 why I would find it difficult to go vegetarian.

In other news:

  • I will be spending most of my birthday either in transit to or at this event. If you are interested, come along! We've got room in the car. You might need to find somewhere to stay, though.
  • We've been cooking quite a bit more recently, as we have more free time. Almost all of it has been awesome. The information science nerd part of me came up with this idea the other day: creating an Access database to keep track of all the ingredients needed for our favorite recipes, so at any point we can go through the fridge and cupboards, note what we've got on hand, and query the database for a list of recipes that contain those ingredients. Am working on the ER diagram in my head currently.
  • I spent two hours yesterday tossing a wiffleball. I'm not really sure why. *shakes head*
  • I taught another session on a chemistry database (SciFinder Scholar) for my Chemistry Library job last week. Thanks to both the people that showed up. :P
  • Could things in the American League Central be turning around for our hometown boys of summer, the Minnesota Twins? They swept the Devil Rays this weekend and the White Sox lost 2 of 3 to the A's... I'm not getting my hopes up, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed...
  • Sorry for the lack of updates recently. There just isn't much happening. It's been hot, which has kept us from doing much outside the apartment. We work, we cook, we read, we watch movies, we go watch baseball at Yogi's, Samantha fences (I watch), we rollerblade... this is pretty much my summer. *shrug*

Okay, better go dust off the kazoo. Peace, all.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 4, 2005 11:13 AM.

The previous post in this blog was #92 - A Place in the Sun.

The next post in this blog is Vote Torii Hunter!.

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